Kids Braces Before & After
Early intervention allows corrections of conditions that are detrimental to normal facial and dental growth and development in children. Phase I treatment reduces the need for the removal of permanent teeth in many cases. Age 7 is generally a great age for your child’s first visit to see Dr. Roeder.

Teens Before & After
Cases shown are actual patients at Roeder Orthodontics using Damon Braces® or similar systems. Contact Roeder Orthodontics in Asheville to schedule a no-fee consultation. Our team is creative, fun, and eager to help teens stay in the know when it comes to their smile. Teen patients can even earn fun rewards for cooperation with the treatment!

Adults Before & After
Cases shown are actual patients treated at Roeder Orthodontics with Damon® Braces or Damon Clear Braces®. Roeder Orthodontics has helped many patients achieve their goal of healthy and straight smiles. To find out more about adult orthodontic treatment options, please contact us to schedule a no-fee consultation.

Invisalign Before & After
Cases shown are actual patients treated at Roeder Orthodontics with Invisalign® and clear aligners. Roeder Orthodontics is a certified provider of Invisalign. Invisalign is a system of clear aligners which gradually align your teeth without the use of brackets or wires. Invisalign® can be a suitable alternative to braces for both adults and teens. Contact us to schedule a no-fee consultation with RO.