Clear Braces

Clear braces are the same as traditional metal braces, except they are clear! They are a less noticeable alternative to traditional metal braces yet provide patients with an equally effective treatment.

patient with clear braces

What Are The Advantages Of Clear Braces?

As with any orthodontic treatment, it is important to choose the right option for your needs and lifestyle. Clear braces are a great alternative to traditional metal braces, and Dr. Roeder will help you determine whether they are the right treatment for you.


Ceramic braces and clear braces are much less visible than traditional metal braces. Clear and ceramic braces offer an aesthetic alternative for patients who seek options other than traditional metal braces.


Many patients who choose ceramic or clear braces feel more confident about their orthodontic treatment, especially knowing that people are focusing on their smile rather than their braces.

What Are The Disadvantages Of Clear Braces?


Ceramic and clear braces may cost more than traditional metal braces. We offer convenient payment plans to help control the costs of your treatment. Be sure to talk to our office about all your financial options.


The clear elastic ties used with clear and ceramic braces may become slightly discolored when you drink tea, coffee, or wine, and eat certain foods or smoke. Ask Dr. Roeder about how you can keep your braces looking their best.

Treatment Time

Orthodontic treatment with clear or ceramic braces may take longer than with traditional metal braces. If you don’t mind investing a little more time in your smile, then talk to Dr. Roeder to find out how long your treatment time will be with clear or ceramic braces.

Clarity Clear Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces are made of clear materials and are therefore less visible on your teeth than metal braces. For this reason, they are used mainly on older teenagers and adult patients who have cosmetic concerns.

While they are visually less prominent, they require more attention to oral hygiene because ceramic braces are larger and more brittle than their metal counterparts. For these reasons, ceramic braces tend to be used more on upper front teeth than on lower teeth.

The Beauty of Clarity Brackets is Clear!

  • With a comfortable design and an attractive, translucent appearance, your Clarity ceramic brackets will leave you smiling!
  • Made of innovative new, ceramic material for an attractive appearance, Clarity brackets are also extremely durable and fracture resistant.
  • Because Clarity brackets blend in with your natural tooth color, you won’t be reluctant to show off your smile.
  • With a small, smooth design, Clarity brackets are comfortable to wear and easy to clean.
  • The ceramic material used for Clarity resists staining, so you can eat and drink all your favorite foods and beverages without worrying about discoloration.
  • Clarity brackets are trusted and used by orthodontists worldwide and have helped more than one million patients get beautiful smiles.